Remembering 9/11/01
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Members of the department will be gathering at the firehouse this morning to honor all of those who lost their lives. As a tribute, we will be sounding our fire siren at the times of six major events that occurred that day.
8:46am: American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower
9:03am: United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower
9:37am: American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon
9:59am: The South Tower collapses
10:03am: United Airlines Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania
10:28am: The North Tower collapses
We ask that everyone take a moment at these times to remember the victims of this tragedy, as well as the families and friends who lost so much. The FDNY lost 343 brave firefighters that day, and over the last twenty years many more have passed away from 9/11 related illness. Our thoughts are with their families also.